
Dynasty AM S.A. ist eine Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mit Sitz in Luxemburg (OGAW, AIF und Massgeschneiderte Mandate), bei der CSSF registriert und von erfahrenen Kredit-Profis gegründet. Das Unternehmen ist vollständig unabhängig von allen Finanzinstituten und vollständig von seinem Gründungspartner im Besitz Dynasty AM ermöglicht seinen Kunden das Vermögen mit Objektivität und Aufrichtigkeit zu verwalten. Dynasty A. M. bietet seinen Kunden (institutionelle Anleger, Privatinvestoren und Family Offices) mit Beratung, Investmentfonds -Management und engagierte Mandate in Klassischen- und oder Wandelanleihen. Unsere Interessen sind voll im Einklang mit unseren Kunden und unserer Anlagepolitik ist das Ergebnis einer starken und effektiven Teamarbeit , durch den ständigen Austausch von Ideen erleichtert.

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    Milliarde Euro verwaltetes Vermögen und anlageberaten

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Das Team

Anne Stenger


Anne Stenger Director

A graduate of the IUP Financial Sciences of Nancy 2, Anne began her career in Luxembourg in 2005. She joined PricewaterhouseCoopers as an auditor specialized in investment funds.
From 2013 to 2019, she worked for Fundrock Management Company, where she specialized in Risk & Fund Compliance, regulatory reporting, but also in the management of fund projects such as the creation of UCITS and AIFs funds and system migrations.
Approved in 2019 as Conducting Officer for Novacap, a company in the midst of restructuring, Anne will manage the Risk Management and Fund Services operational activity during the entire process of takeover by the Davy Group.
After the completion of this migration she joined Dynasty AM in January 2021.

Antoine Capone

Risk Officer

Antoine Capone Risk Officer

After a Business School in Nancy, Antoine pursued his studies at ESC Bordeaux. He has 13 years of experience in the financial sector in Luxembourg. Antoine began his career in 2005 at the Banque Internationale du Luxembourg in the Risk department of the trading room before joining Accenture as a consultant in 2007. In 2012, Antoine joined KPMG as a manager for regulatory tasks and implemented especially the AIFMD directive for European asset managers. In 2014, he joined Deloitte Luxembourg as a Director in charge of the Risk / Regulatory Reporting department. Then, he founded AlphaOmega in 2017.

Camille Basly

Head of Middle Office

Camille Basly Head of Middle Office

Camille is graduated from SKEMA Business School. After 4 years at SGCIB in operational functions, she joined KBL Richelieu Gestion in 2015 as Middle Officer. In early 2017, she became Head of Middle Office at Quilvest Asset Management in Luxembourg. In June 2018, Camille joined the Dynasty AM team.

Cyrille Dallant

Chief Compliance Officer and Conducting Officer in charge of Compliance

Cyrille Dallant Chief Compliance Officer and Conducting Officer in charge of Compliance

A graduate of the University Paul Valéry in Montpellier in 1996, Cyrille began, in 2000, his career in Luxembourg , joining « European Fund Administration » in the Order Entry department. In 2005, he joined « Société Générale Bank & Trust » as Account Manager in charge of undertaking orders in hedge funds, an activity he ensured at « UBS (Luxembourg) S.A. » and « BNP Paribas Luxembourg » until 2011.

In July 2011, after completing the M1, M2 and M3 modules, he joined « The Icebreakers », which later became « 99 Advisory », in charge of Compliance for Management Companies. In 2016, he joined « Préval S.A. » as Conducting Officer in charge of Compliance, position he will hold at « DAMC » in 2019.

In June 2020, he was appointed Regional Head of Compliance Europe for the « Ocorian Group », overseeing Compliance for three entities in Luxembourg (PSF, Manco and OEC) and one in Holland. In November 2023, Cyrille joins Dynasty AM as Chief Compliance Officer and Conducting Officer in charge of Compliance.

Farid Boudis

Directeur de la Gestion Privée

Farid Boudis Directeur de la Gestion Privée

Farid possède à son actif près de 40 ans d’expertises sur les marchés de capitaux, et notamment dans le trading actions et des produits dérivés.

En 1985, Farid débute sa carrière à la Bourse de Paris en tant que négociateur (Floor) pour la société de Bourses de Nouailhetas SA et par la suite intègre d’autres sociétés de bourse tel que Fauchier Magnan-Durant des Aulnois.

Après l’informatisation des marchés financier, il exercera en tant que Senior Sales-trader chez UBS, Crédit Lyonnais et Fortis pendant près de dix années.

En 2007, Farid rejoint la direction générale d’Orco Property Group, Foncière coté détenant un important parc immobilier en Europe centrale (près de trois millions de mètres carrés sous gestion).

Après 2008 il dirige sa carrière dans l’industrie des Hedge Funds (Wake Asset Management) pour enfin revenir vers la gestion privée comme directeur autorisé de la société de gestion Opportunité Luxembourg (présent à Paris, Luxembourg et Bruxelles).

Depuis 2023, il intègre Dynasty AM en tant que directeur de la gestion privé à Luxembourg.

Fouad El Hajji

Fouad El Hajji

Fabien Nallbani

Middle-office intern

Fabien Nallbani Middle-office intern

After graduating from Sciences Eco in Nancy, Fabien went on to complete a Master’s degree in Finance at the University of Paris Nanterre. As a Master 2 Asset Management student, he joined Dynasty AM in January 2021 as part of his end-of-studies internship. Fabien joins the Middle team as a middle office trainee.